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What does it mean to live authentically?

Hear from Jasmine Ding, manager, and how she's learned to live more authentically, and to enjoy the present moment, through her inner work journey.

Through the Healing Your Agreements intensive, I have a greater awareness of myself, how to take ownership over my own inner work, and to live life on my own terms, rather than the one that I've been living on autopilot based on others' expectations of me. I am more aware of the enmeshment with various attachments in my life and the wounds of my ego that result in my default choices.

I now recognise the importance of dealing with emotions instead of suppressing it, which does have an impact on our physical health as it's all interconnected.


I also learned that the choices I don't make are the ones that lead me to where I am now. Understanding that we are the root of our own suffering reminds me that we need to get out of ourselves. We reap what we sow and it's only up to me alone to always honour myself and respect my path. The concept of gaining more energy back from doing things that truly matter to me stuck with me and inspires me to work towards living the life that I truly wish for.

I also used to live very much in the past and future, when the present is the true gift. It is heartening and liberating to realise that our weaknesses can ultimately be our greatest strength.

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