At 20, the existential questions of "who am I?", "what is my purpose?" hit me. I embarked on a quest to seek for answers. The journey led me back to the dream within, what deeply matters to me and to the world. I discovered some truths to the meaning of life. We are the ultimate cause of our sufferings. We are also the master of our realities.
Since then, I help individuals design their versions of an extraordinary and fulfilling life.
As a world leading inner work specialist, deprogrammer, and a teacher of personal mastery, consciousness, spirituality, and social change, I’ve touched over 10,000 individuals, to reexamine their lives, to break free of limitations and constraints in order to transform their realities as they attain a higher level of awareness to manifest their purpose and destiny.
I help individuals find their most fulfilling Self in their most fulfilling Work, separating from the identities and social constructs they have taken on. My wealth of experiences accumulated over 12 years working with world leaders and cases from all walks of life has enabled me to have a deep and broad understanding of personal, family and global systems to solve complex problems in a highly effective and efficient fashion.
Afterall why do we need ten years to look into a persisting problem that could be solved in weeks, days, hours, minutes, or moments? Perhaps, the antidote lies in widening our ability to access our consciousness to identify the original cause and to use the most precise and impeccable solution to treat the true issue. We cannot solve a problem with the same level of consciousness that created it. To solve the problem, we have to transcend our consciousness and our personal development into higher levels of mastery.
My work is deeply informed by Process Oriented Psychology developed by Dr. Arnold Mindell, and the Southeastern Mexico Mayan Lineage teachings that were passed down to me directly from Starr Fuentes. It involves the study and unification of the body, heart, mind, and spirit through bodywork psychotherapy, breathwork, conflict resolution work, transpersonal and relational work, and comawork.
The transformative classes and retreats I have developed are conducted across 13 countries, including the United States, Japan, Korean, and China, by myself and my apprentices.
My clients include high net worth individuals, c-suites, business owners, celebrities, national and organisational leaders.
I actively champion causes in human transformation, alternative medicine, personal freedom and fulfillment, mental wellness, and suicide prevention. I've published a photobook with Fujifilm, based on a 6 month community participatory movement that set a World Record for the Largest Display of Mosaic Handmade Masks. I've also authored 4 books on the topic of mental health with Penguin Random House, which are featured by Kirkus Reviews.